The Mission Statement was approved by the Board of Directors at the meeting on 11th March 2020


The primary purpose of this Mission Statement is to maintain the amenity, quality, and value of SPC.

To further this objective, the following Policies set out the duties of the staff, Board, Chairman, Estate Manager and Office Administrator are currently in effect and will continue unless and until they are modified by the Board of Directors.


1. SPC is an equal opportunity employer and abides by the Equality Act’s 2010 and any subsequent changes made to the Act.

2. SPC will not tolerate the harassment of any employee by any Lessees/Shareholders or by any other person.

3. SPC has a duty of care towards its employees and will follows government guidelines.


4. The Board of Directors are responsible for:

  • Setting the policy;
  • Approving the annual operating budget and any maintenance;
    projects that are deemed necessary;
  • Overseeing the expenditure of leaseholders' funds; and
  • Setting the level of advance service charges.

SPC will indemnify each Director from costs incurred in the discharge of his or her lawful duties.

No individual Director may commit SPC without prior Board approval.  Should any costs to the Company result from the actions by a Director acting without board approval, such costs shall be borne by that Director

It is the duty of each director fully to understand the law relating to the conditions of employment and the treatment of employees.


5. The Chairman is responsible to the Board and is responsible for:

  • Ensuring that the Board's policies are implemented;
  • Ensuring that financial accounts are prepared in accordance with statutory requirements and management accounts and are submitted in a timely fashion;
  • Chairing meetings of the Board;
  • Chairing the AGM;
  • Representing SPC to outside bodies; and
  • The Chairman may commit SPC for amounts up to £5,000, and will formally report all expenditure approved by him at the next scheduled ordinary meeting of the Board. He may only exceed this limit if a quorate emergency meeting of the Board cannot be achieved with a minimum forty-eight hours’ notice.

Estate Manager

6. The Estate Manager reports directly to the Chairman and is responsible for:

  • Managing the maintenance budget;
  • Planning and overseeing a proactive and preventative maintenance strategy;
  • Day-to-day operations, including managing staff to ensure the smooth running of the Estate.

Office Administrator

7. The Office Administrator reports directly to the Estate Manage and in his/her absence the Chairman.

              He/she is:

  • The point of contact for all matters related by the Estate; and
  • Responsible for office management and Board matters.